April 10


How to Make Money with Niche Marketing

One of the questions that I am asked most frequently is; “How do you make money on the internet?”. While there are many ways to profit online, one of the most successful for individual entrepreneurs is niche marketing.

In this post we will take a look at niche marketing and explain why it is such a powerful tool for generating revenue on the internet.

What is Niche Marketing?What is niche marketing

Niche marketing is the process of focusing your sales efforts on one small topic. By doing so, you are seen as an authority on the topic and the go to for information on the topic.

Once you have established yourself as an authority, you can now recommend products to your readers that will help them solve their problem in your niche.

The real key to being successful using this strategy is to keep digging down into a niche to make it small and focused enough that you can dominate the niche.

For example, let’s say your niche is “weight loss”. That is way too broad a niche and you will not be able to establish yourself as an authority unless you had an unlimited budget.

So, you start to niche it down and you come up with “lose belly fat”. That is getting better but still super competitive and difficult to dominate.

So you continue to dig into the niche and come up “how to lose belly fat after pregnancy”.


Now that is a niche that you could dominate!

Or “how to lose belly fat for men over 50”.

Do you see where this is going?

You have to keep digging into the niche to find small sub-niches that you can control.

How to Make Money with Niche Marketing?Niche marketing


Now that you understand what niche marketing is, let’s take a look at the steps required to profit from niche marketing.

Step 1. Choose a niche – Choose a niche that you are either passionate about, have a lot of knowledge about, or want to learn about. You are going to be creating a lot of content in your niche and that gets old fast if you are not interested in it.

Step 2. Do keyword research – Next you will need to do keyword research in your niche in order to determine what information people are searching for. Make a list of the keywords being searched in your niche and move on to step 3.

Step 3. Build a website – Next you will build a website with a niche relevant domain name. You will take each of the keywords that you found above and create a search engine optimized post for each keyword. The idea is to provide the best information that people are searching for and as a result, you will find your posts on the coveted first page of google results.

Step 4. Find an affiliate program and recommend products – The last step is to find an affiliate program in your niche and start recommending products. Simply do a google search for your niche + affiliate programs and I am sure you will find plenty. The most common place to start is Amazon and many marketers use Amazon for niche marketing.

Niche marketing is a multi billion dollar business that anyone can get in on with a little bit of knowledge and a lot of hard work. If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme then this is not for you.

Most niches can earn from $0 – $2000 per month and of course some much more.

If you could earn $1000 per month in a niche and repeat that in several niches, you could soon have a viable full time online business in niche marketing.


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