In our last post, we talked about niche marketing and briefly touched on affiliate marketing as the way to make money with a niche website. So today we would like to dig deeper into affiliate marketing and help you to find the best affiliate marketing training course, so that you can learn how to add this strategy to your online business.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
According to the Harvard Business School, “An affiliate earns a commission only if 1) a user browses to an affiliate’s site, 2) the user clicks the affiliate’s specially-coded link to the merchant, and 3) the user makes a purchase from the merchant.
It is basically a relationship between 3 parties, the customer, the merchant and the affiliate.
It was a process that was developed to help merchants overcome high advertising costs. With affiliate marketing, merchants only pay when a sale is made.
So now that you know what affiliate marketing is, let’s move on to what you should look for in the best affiliate marketing training courses.
What to Look for in the Best Affiliate Marketing Training Course?

Internet Marketing.
As I’m sure you know, there is a lot of junk online today and a lot of snake oil salesman selling that junk, so I’ve done a lot of research to cut through all of that junk and find the best affiliate marketing training courses.
Here are the things that you should look for in a top affiliate marketing training course.
- Step by Step, Task Based Training – Research has shown that students perform better when the training is task based and the lessons build upon each other. It is also true that students learn better when they are shown how to do something as opposed to told how to do something, so video training is preferred and is especially effective when accompanied by written lessons.
- Support and Encouragement – It is indisputable that students learn better and faster in an engaging environment where they can ask questions and learn not just from their own questions, but also from questions asked by others. Getting help when needed is one of the hallmarks of the best affiliate marketing training course.
- Include a Website – The best affiliate marketing training course should include a website that you can build from scratch in order to learn the steps necessary to succeed on the online business. It would also be beneficial for the website to be on the WordPress platform as that is the preferred platform of affiliate marketers today.
Here’s What I Found
After many hours researching the best affiliate marketing training courses and trying to find one that offered all of the above and was deemed the best by its many students, I believe I have found exactly what I was looking for!
I came across many reviews of affiliate marketing training courses and almost all of them had some negative reviews from students that were not happy with the program.
The only one that I found which seemed to have a 100% satisfaction rate was a program called Wealthy Affiliate.
What impressed me the most about Wealthy Affiliate is that they have a 100% free option to join that includes 20 task based lessons including both video and written!
It also includes a free website on the WordPress platform and an apparently awesome community of engaging students and experts.
As good as I have found it to be, Wealthy Affiliate still has some problems.
Click here for the best article that I have found on Wealthy Affiliate complaints.
Despite all of the complaints, I have joined the course for free, without even needing a credit card!
I am very impressed with everything about Wealthy Affiliate so far and I feel very comfortable recommending it as the best affiliate marketing training course available online today.
If you decide to join, it is very easy to do and I will see you inside the course!