You have your web pages ready for launch but what are the essential steps you need to take in order to keep rank among the top five on the search engines?
SEO tips and tricks is all you need to know about what to do to make your website rank higher on search engines as it is a fact that the search engines are regulated with complex algorithms, and you need to trick them to believe that your web page deserves to rank among the top searches.
Quality of your content
Your content must be of good quality, unique, and relevant. You also need to update your content at regular intervals to maintain traffic to your site.
Add more videos to your content to keep the entertainment quotient high.
We all know that videos are way more interesting to watch and remember compared to reading pages of bulky content. Try dominating your pages with more relevant videos about the topic
The benefit of having more videos, especially on your home page, is that now Google is paying more attention towards video searches, hence it’s also a great way of staying on the first page of the search results.
Make your content and web pages more accessible for search engines to rank your website. You can use information such as your location on the website as it helps to upgrade your rank.
Though quality is the topmost priority of the search engines, quantity still matters. The more content you have, the more easily it is to appear in search engine searches.
Here are five most important SEO tips and tricks that are going to make you lead with your website and take the rank of your website to a higher level.
Take care that this is not SEM (search engine marketing) which is something very different. This article will only deal with SEO tips.
Top 5 SEO Tips and Tricks
1. Use keyword in the title tag
The title tag on your page should contain the keyword phrase as it helps to bring that keyword phrase in the search engine index.
Your keyword research should be deep enough as it is the most important part of the optimization. Do your homework and understand traffic patterns, purchase scenarios, and other things. Your keywords should appropriately define your content or what can best describe your product.
Use the various tools of researching your keywords; the different tools have various ways of gathering data.
Also take care that each web page has a unique title, and it should be brief but descriptive enough that can give the customer a rough idea what is the content of the page is going to be about.
2. Keyword density 
The ratio of keywords and the other text is called the keyword density. The keyword density in your article should range from 3-7% for the primary keyword and 1-2% for other or secondary keywords.
It can be said that keyword density is the percentage of times the word is used in your content. This supports the relevancy of your content with the keyword.
There are many keyword density analyzer tools available for free that calculate keyword density percentages for you.
A search engine recognizes the headlines of your article more than any other text so use the secondary keywords more often in the head tags all through the content.
3. Link yourself to similar sites
When reputed sites on the internet link to your website and your content, it earns you a great reputation. It increases the reliability and credibility of your page.
Get linked to sites that have more credibility such as .edu extensions as they are more reputable.
When you link your site to other sites with similar or matching information, it increases the credibility in that your site contains relevant information about the topic that is being searched for by the customer.
This is probably the most important of the SEO tips and tricks.
4. Have a sitemap
Though it does not help much in improving your ranking in the searches, it is still very important to include a sitemap on your site, as it helps in faster indexing and alerts the search engine for changed content.
You can go for an XML or a Google sitemap, though a plain HTML site will work too.
Many content management systems have the services to auto-generate XML sitemaps, and there are many tools available too, but then you need to update the sitemap manually at regular intervals.
Once you have made your sitemap, you need to register it with the search engines, this will alert the search engines of the change and update of your content.
Registering your sitemap with Google also points out if there are any errors.
Thus creating a sitemap is one of the most successful SEO tips and tricks.
5. Content management service
You should use CMS for optimizing your HTML tags with your keywords. The major CMS includes WordPress, Blogger, etc. CMS will allow you to customize your page title, HTML tags, Meta keywords and description tags.
Drop menus with internal links are also an important feature but do take care that your drop-down menus are not built on Javascript as a few search engines do not process them.
Make sure that the CMS you are using is able to produce an SEO friendly URL, and that they also have a limitation here that they will produce only one unique URL for one page of content. If your CMS is producing more than one unique URL, check for the duplication error with your content.
SEO is a very important part of launching your website and it decides in a major way the traffic to your site.
This part has to be done with utmost care because sometimes the content becomes repetitive and irrelevant if you only focus on the SEO strategies.
Now that you are new in this business, these are the basic things about SEO that you needed to take care of at all times.
Put these SEO tips and tricks to use on your website today!